Capitol Squash Executive Director Meg Taylor (center) with team members.

director's message

Meg Taylor

Dear Capitol Squash family,

When Capitol Squash re-launched in 2014, our goal was to support as many Hartford students as we could in a deep and meaningful way. During the school year, our students receive at least three days of squash and academic support as well as additional weekend school visits, cultural opportunities, and matches. We also provide a five-week summer program. 

In the 2018-2019 academic school year, our students averaged a 93% attendance rate. Trinity College has welcomed us into their home. The college provides courts and class-rooms for our program, and Trinity students generously provide academic help and squash coaching to our youth. Nearly all of the Capitol Squash students grew up in the neighbor-hoods surrounding Trinity without ever having stepped on campus prior to joining Capitol Squash. Now many of them feel as comfortable at Trinity as they do at their own schools.

When we initially set out to serve as many students as possible, we knew one day we would outgrow the space at Trinity. We’re now bursting at the seams with students spanning from fourth to tenth grade. We didn’t know back in 2014 if Trinity would be the permanent home for Capitol Squash, but I’m excited to share we’ve recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding to raise funds and build a facility in partnership with Trinity. This facility will allow us to serve 100 students from Hartford in the same intensive way for years to come.

As we look ahead, we know we couldn’t have experienced such success without your support, commitment, and belief in our program’s mission. We are grateful to the entire Capitol Squash and Trinity community for helping us enrich the lives of our students each and every day.

Meg Taylor